
Sending an E-Card

  1. Hover over an image to enlarge, then click to choose it.
  2. Enter your name, your email, recipient’s email and write the message that you would like to send with your e-card.
  3. Click Send & Pay to be redirected to PayPal to pay $2.50 using your debit/credit card. After which your e-card will be sent and you will be re-directed back to this website to continue browsing.

Annual subscription/membership for just $15 is best value, then you can send as may e-Cards as often as you like throughout the year.

Ecard Image

Happy 40th Anniversary

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Happy 40th Anniversary

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Summer's Here

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Summer's Here

Ecard Image

Congratulations on passing your driving test

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Congratulations on passing your driving test


Browse E-Card Categories

Click one of the e-cards below to view e-cards for that category.